“To Lie” vs. “To Lay”What to tell your pet.Email SalutationsHow you greet your email recipients depends on audience and corporate culture.Email Subject LinesBe informative—but also be concise!Aggressive Punctuation in EmailSay no to punctuation pileups.Business Writing: ConclusionsDon't run out of energy to make a great last impression!Remote Presentation Skills: Production ValuesTechnical elements matter.Remote Presentation Skills: Eye ContactKnow where to look.Remote Presentation Skills: Audience AwarenessPay attention to your audience.PerfectionAuthenticity trumps perfection.Concluding Your EmailTrying to sound fancy can lead you astray.Humor in a PresentationDon't force it.An Email “Hi”Is it professional to begin email with "Hi"?The Eyes Have ItSkip the tips and tricks and look people in the eye.Semicolons in ListsA special application for a neglected piece of punctuation.What is Professionalism?Skip the act. Focus instead on making good use of your listeners’ time.How to Avoid Overusing “Please" in an Email MessageA simple solution to a problem plaguing corporate email.Listen to Your AudienceEven when they're not speaking out loud.The Adventure of English SpellingEnglish is not very user-friendly for the spelling-challenged.Put Away Your PhonePay attention to the people around you.Fewer vs. LessA reader has a question.Your Earliest Convenience?This phrase is not always as polite as people believe.What Are You Doing with Your Hands?This is not a question your audience should be asking.A Comma ConundrumWhen to use a comma between independent clauses.Is That “That” Really All That Necessary?Sometimes you need it, sometimes you don’t.“Look”: A Favorite Word of Politicians and PunditsToo many sentences are launched with this imperious imperative.
“To Lie” vs. “To Lay”What to tell your pet.Email SalutationsHow you greet your email recipients depends on audience and corporate culture.Email Subject LinesBe informative—but also be concise!Aggressive Punctuation in EmailSay no to punctuation pileups.Business Writing: ConclusionsDon't run out of energy to make a great last impression!Concluding Your EmailTrying to sound fancy can lead you astray.An Email “Hi”Is it professional to begin email with "Hi"?Semicolons in ListsA special application for a neglected piece of punctuation.How to Avoid Overusing “Please" in an Email MessageA simple solution to a problem plaguing corporate email.The Adventure of English SpellingEnglish is not very user-friendly for the spelling-challenged.Fewer vs. LessA reader has a question.A Comma ConundrumWhen to use a comma between independent clauses.Is That “That” Really All That Necessary?Sometimes you need it, sometimes you don’t.
Remote Presentation Skills: Production ValuesTechnical elements matter.Remote Presentation Skills: Eye ContactKnow where to look.Remote Presentation Skills: Audience AwarenessPay attention to your audience.PerfectionAuthenticity trumps perfection.Humor in a PresentationDon't force it.The Eyes Have ItSkip the tips and tricks and look people in the eye.What is Professionalism?Skip the act. Focus instead on making good use of your listeners’ time.Listen to Your AudienceEven when they're not speaking out loud.Put Away Your PhonePay attention to the people around you.Your Earliest Convenience?This phrase is not always as polite as people believe.What Are You Doing with Your Hands?This is not a question your audience should be asking.“Look”: A Favorite Word of Politicians and PunditsToo many sentences are launched with this imperious imperative.